Course Set Up Guide
Tee beds are cut in conjunction with fairways hence the fairway mower is used.
Tee markers are changed Fridays and Mondays
Each tee has a front, middle and back position.
Tee markers for even number holes are moved front to back, odd holes are moved back to front.
A tee that has its markers at the back will have the corresponding pin located towards the front of the green.
Tees are fertilised in September.
Divot marks are top dressed each week.
Using this sequence takes just under 2 hours to single cut and 3.5 hours to double cut greens.
It takes 90 mins to sweep greens for dew.
The planned 9 hole layout will have 11 greens.
Cutting Frequency
Greens will be cut at least 3 times per week
Monday pm,
Wednesday am and
Friday pm.
Cutting Height/Speed
Greens will be maintained at a minimum speed of 11 on the STIMP meter.
Cutting Direction
Greens are cut
front to back (Monday)
left to right (Wednesday)
Diagonally (Friday)
When Greens are double cut the pattern is Front/back, left/right
Hole Location
Holes are cut using a std. cutter and have the edges pushed down with a roller.
The old hole is dusted with sand.
Holes location alternates from Front/Middle/Back for long greens and Left, Centre, Right for wide greens
Hole locations will be changed Fridays (or when needed)
Note: Hole and Tee locations will be compatible eg back tees have holes placed at the front.
Fairways will be broadened and shaped:
Each fairway is shaped using the following “formula”.
A single cut walk-way leads 50 m from all tees
Fairways balloon out 50 m from tees mark a to point that is one rough cut from a tree or drainage line.
Green surrounds have 1 fairway mower cut widths
Green entrances are the width of the green and extend for 20m toward tees.
Par 5’s have 2 balloon areas
Cutting Frequency
Fairways are cut a minimum of once per week- Mondays and Tuesdays
Cutting Height 10-15mm depending on season
Distance markers
100m and 150m markers will be placed on both sides of the fairway.
Scheduled maintenance
Coring and top dressing
Autum- deep
Spring- light tyning and dusting
To control thatch, Greens are scarified every 6 weeks
Direction of scarifying alternates, Left/ right, then front back
Fertilising Greens will be soil tested
Greens will be Fertilised each month and sprayed for disease when necessary.
Fertilised annually
Fairway shaping and design will dictate rough pattern.
Rough will be kept at 25mm ie less than ball height.
One cut of rough will “protect” balls from rolling into hazards.
Flat areas of bunkers will be raked each week